Day 1 of 365

I'll make little pieces of art every day for another year - this time it is all about numbers. So here are the first steps...
Day 2 of 365

I thought about the number of the day and tried to remember the amount of money I spent for my grocery shopping - but I think I am still on pandemic shopping panic and I forgot to look at the receipt. However, what I then noticed was, that I somehow went shopping like I had to fill Noah's Ark: I bought two of every kind. So the number of the day is two.
Day 3 of 365

The time I finished my seminar today: 17.46. [rice on wood]
Day 4 of 365

Color by numbers! (I made a sweater out of this fabric today 😍)
Day 5 of 365

I couldn't focus on an idea, so I circled an 8 for 3 minutes.
Day 6 of 365
Number of the day: 2. 2 rubber boots on a "virtual" walk with @tanja8292 .
Day 7 of 365

The number of the day is 9:50. This is the length of Meat Loaf's song "Bat out of Hell". And this is my homage to the album cover.
Day 8 of 365

Number of the day: 46. 46 days until Christmas Eve. 🎉🎄🥂 I try to give myself some bright look-out here. 😅
Day 9 of 365

Number of the day: 3. I made a third sweater today. That's 3 sweaters in a week or so...I can't stop. 🙈😅
Day 10 of 365

Number of the day: 11. When I'm stressed, I write elevenies (poems with eleven words) - here is a not so serious one from today...
Day 11 of 365

I took a walk and at the end landed at a supermarket and bought an apple. - 1,5 h to get an apple... Why not? 😅
Day 12 of 365

Number of the day: "25" 🙄. Take part in this online survey they said. It'll help your institution they said. It'll only take you 25 minutes they said...
Day 13 of 365

Number of the day: 2. Today I stayed in bed and read two books. 🎉
Day 14 of 365

My brother has this new clock that shows the time when one claps... And we noticed today: it also shows the time, when one shouts at it. 😂🙈
Day 15 of 365

Number of the day: the size of a (one year old) baby elephant (about 1.5 m). - During the pandemic, the Austrian authorities spread the idea of keeping a "baby elephant length" distance. I wished to have an elephant in the crowded train station, today. 🙄✌️
Day 16 of 365

I tried to send 456 MB - It was nerve-wracking due to slow internet connection. 🙄😴
Day 17 of 365

Washing Day!
Day 18 of 365

"You have such a unique style! What would you call it?" - Me: "Onioning." Number of the day: 5 layers and a scarf. 😅✌️
Day 19 of 365

Number of the day: 15. The word PROFESSIONALISM has 15 letters, and it looks like us @what.makes.me_happy_. 😎☝️
Day 20 of 365

Building clusters.
Day 21 of 365

Numbers of the day: 4 hours of scented candle scent and 1 blob-technique elk.
Day 22 of 365

Heart rate at 50. It's Sunday! 😴
Day 23 of 365

Nail polish No. 050. 💅
Day 24 of 365

34 minutes of crazy pre-Christmas shopping horror resulted in buying a snow globe... Happy End. ⛄
Day 25 of 365

Number of the day: 203 kilometers today. 🚗💤
Day 26 of 365

On the road again: 495 km today.
Day 27 of 365

The number of coffee I had today... 😬
Day 28 of 365

Parking space is rare in the city, so I doodled a reminder: if I can't find my car tomorrow - I parked it in front of house number 25. 😎✌️
Day 29 of 365

At the end of the year everyone counts everything and tries to balance the books. Today I counted minutes and hours and summed it up and filled out forms and lists... I counted 2880 min on one list and 3000 on another...🤔😅
Day 30 of 365

Today marks the 12th full moon of the year - unfortunately it rains outside so I had to use my imagination. 🌚
Day 31 of 365

Number of the day: 21 marzipan mice. 🐭
Day 32 of 365

I started a veeeery "scientific" study with my cousin today: we count the slices of every clementine we're going to eat in December. Number of the day: 7 slices. 🤓☝️
Day 33 of 365

Number of the day: the model number on my sewing machine is 6085.
Day 34 of 365

Number of the day: 3. The song Oh Christmas Tree has 3 verses. 🎄
Day 35 of 365

Number of the day: 24 Christmas cards. 💌
Day 36 of 365

12-point stag 🦌.
Day 37 of 365

Number of the day: 4 p.m. 🎉
Day 38 of 365

Number of the day: 79 Russian Curd Cookies. Homemade with love and in the (Zoom-) company of @what.makes.me_happy_ 🍪💕
Day 39 of 365

Yesterday, some of the friends from the Creativesprint gang worked on the prompt "numerology of the name" and apparently my number is 5 which in numerology is the number that stands for "freedom".
Day 40 of 365

Number of the day: 1 litre of tea.
Day 41 of 365

Number of the day: 346. It's December 11th today, which is the 346th day of the year. And I made a bouquet with 3, 4 and 6 flowers. 💐
Day 42 of 365

I want to share today's ear worm with you: the lyrics of "Little Drummer Boy" have 63 times the word "pum" in it. You're welcome! ✌️😎
Day 43 of 365

It's the 3rd Sunday of Advent today. ✨
Day 44 of 365

Number of the day: Zero butterflies. One unidentified insect.
Day 45 of 365

Earworm of the day: 99 Red Balloons - and a black one nobody has ever heard of.
Day 46 of 365

Christmas shopping.
Day 47 of 365

8 parts of 1 orange.
Day 48 of 365

Number of the day: 18.18 on my clock on the 18th of December - time for a virtual Christmas Party! 🎉
Day 49 of 365

Number of the day: 25 points on a 'Herrnhuter' Star. 🌟
Day 50 of 365

Number of the day: 3 carrots.
Day 51 of 365

Number of the day: 8.43 - sunrise.
Day 52 of 365

Number of the day: Today I had 24 brand-new pencils in my advent calendar.
Day 53 of 365

Number of the day: 200g marzipan.
Day 54 of 365

Number of the day: 5 new books! 😍
Day 55 of 365

Number of the day: the last ice cream from summer turned into a Christmas dessert. 🍨🎉
Day 26 of 365

Number of the day: 18.747 footsteps on the hike with my parents.
Day 57 of 365

Number of the day: 100% chance of rain.
Day 58 of 365

Bathing in 500 ml hot chocolate.
Day 59 of 365

3 sceptical clementines...
Day 60 of 365

Number of the day: 4°C outside.
Day 61 of 365

Number of the day: 35! I saw a flock of birds, today. 🕊️
Day 62 of 365

Number of the day: 6. We played (and I usually NEVER play) with dices to decide who gets the last dessert. 🍨
Day 63 of 365

Number of the day: seat No. 71.
Day 64 of 365

Number of the day: 65 little confetti stars.
Day 65 of 365

Number of the day: January the 4th: how many days is it adequate to wish a happy new year? 🤔
Day 66 of 365

Number of the day: I put 72 pictures of my summer vacation 2020 in a photo album. 📷🌞😎
Day 67 of 365

The label on my tea says: "Time for a cup of serenity" - I had five today. 😴✌️
Day 68 of 365

Since no one knows what tomorrow brings, I took a long view and made an appointment on January 7th 2022. 😅😎
Day 69 of 365

Number of the day: 2 times. I took a walk, got lost, and had the pleasure of meeting this nice tree - twice. 😅✌️
Day 70 of 365

Doodling doodles today: 19 in number.
Day 71 of 365

Number of the day: 1.5 h in the sun! ☀
Day 72 of 365

Number of the day: 74. It's the sum of the digits of the shipping number from the parcel I sent today. 😅✌️
Day 73 of 365

Number of the day: 7 tiles on my screen. 💻
Day 74 of 365

12 cuts = my hair minus 12 curls. ✂️⚔️
Day 75 of 365

On my way...
Day 76 of 365

Number of the day: 1:37 last night. - I couldn't sleep and invented a mascot. This is HuWiMi (Human With Middle Fingers). 😂💁🏻♀️
Day 77 of 365

Number of the day: Just one. 😅🥐
Day 78 of 365

Number of the day: 0°C. Snowy mountain bike tour!
Day 79 of 365

Number of the day: 6 colors.
Day 80 of 365

52 cm is the length of my cousin's newborn.
Day 81 of 365

Multiple abstract fries.
Day 82 of 365

Number of the day: 14 pearls.
Day 83 of 365

Number of the day: 155 and future holiday plans. 😍🚲
Day 84 of 365

Random numbers on my walk today.
Day 85 of 365

Number of the day: I said I would take part in the #makedontbreak challenge this month, but I only completed 8 prompts so far... And I am sooooo relaxed about it. This daily practice in un-perfectionism is really working. 💪😅
Day 86 of 365

This happened twice today. 🙄
I highly recommend real-life friends who appear virtually in your head and empower you at the right moment! ❤️
Day 87 of 365

Number of the day: There are too many.
Day 89 of 365

Number of the day: 4 waffle hearts.
Day 90 of 365

Number of the day: 100 fresh sticky notes!
Day 91 of 365

Number of the day: 42 absent minded doodle dots.
Day 92 of 365

Number of the day: one.
Day 93 of 365

Number of the day: 32:11 min. I did some cutting today. ✂️
Day 94 of 365

Number of the day: 6. - hairpin conversations...
Day 95 of 365

Number of the day: 2020. We started our team retreat with a 2020 retrospect.
Day 96 of 365

An (1) apple a day...
Day 97 of 365

"This alarm goes off in 11 hours and 21 minutes."
Day 98 of 365

Number of the day: I made 44 miniature people. This is one of them.
Day 99 of 365

20 cm of fresh snow. ❄️⛄
Day 100 of 365

Number of the day: I had at least 5 really good ideas today. 😅💡🎉
Day 102 of 365

Number of the day: "I'm 88 almost 89." - I met a neighbor today.
Day 103 of 365

Number of the day: three different designs. 🎈
Day 104 Of 365

Number of the day: 118. On my walk today... 🦕❄️🎉 [artist unknown 🤔]
Day 105 of 365

Number of the day: 13 hearts of Valentine's Day Mozzarella on burnt toast. - So romantic! 💘😂
Day 106 of 365

Number of the day: 3.
Day 107 of 365

Number of the day: 60 min. I walked for an hour without my glasses (because mask+cold+rain = fog) and this is how it looked like from my point of view.
Day 108 of 365

"There are a lot of stories and one I want to tell!"
Day 109 of 365

Number of the day: 11 sticky notes.
Day 110 of 365

Number of the day: 50 shades of scratches.
Day 111 of 365

Number of the day: 6 friends and great food.
Day 112 of 365

Number of the day: High Five! ✋
Day 113 of 365

One fine sun-day! 😍☀️
Day 114 of 365

Number of the day: six needles and abstract art. 📍
Day 115 of 365

Number of the day: "3 spoonful of olive oil." 🦋
Day 116 of 365

Number of the day: spontaneous 50 min break in the sun. ☀️
Day 117 of 365

Number of the day: 4 books, 2 other packages, 4 letters... The poor person who had to deliver my mail today! 😱
Day 118 of 365

Number of the day: 25 nuts.
Day 119 of 365

Number of the day: one missing sign (that made my bike tour a liiiiiittle bit longer, because I took the wrong turn 😅).
Day 120 of 365

Number of the day: Good news: currently there are 194 lynxes in Germany (the number is increasing, but still concerningly low).
Day 121 of 365

One cup, three times as much coffee.
Day 122 of 365

Day 123 of 365

Number of the day: 39 dots of hand lotion.
Day 124 of 365

Number of the day: taking one cow (after the other) from the ice. [which means "saving the situation" 😅]
Day 125 of 365

Number of the day: learning after 5 days, that it is already March? Welcome to pandemic life! [Experiments with that app on my phone... 🌈]
Day 126 of 365

Numbers in my head vs actual numbers...
Day 127 of 365

My niece turned 3 months, today. This is a tiny cake for a tiny human being.
Day 128 of 365

Number of the day: 6 questions.
Day 129 of 365

Number of the day: the last chocolate bar left over from Christmas.
Day 130 of 365

"The third time is the charm." 🐢🐢🐢
Day 131 of 365

Please, can someone count these dots for me? Thank you!
Day 132 of 365

Number of the day: 5 new art projects for the weekend!
Day 133 of 365

Remember the 5 little art projects I planned yesterday? I finished them and put them in a miniature museum (you can find a video on my other Insta @maldocheinschiff).
Day 134 of 365

Number of the day: 2 hours without rain for my walk! Lucky me!
Day 135 of 365

Three weeks ago, I started to send my colleagues a weekly dinner recipe, so we can pretend to cook and eat together, although we are all working from home. Today's recipe is cauliflower au gratin.
Day 136 of 365

Number of the day: 21 confetti pieces.
Day 137 of 365

Number of the day: 4 watermelons. - I use a different symbol for each day on my to-do list and on Wednesdays it's a 🍉.
Day 138 of 365

Number of the day: 12 apple muffins!
Day 139 of 365

Number of the day: 16 little books I found in my friend's bookshelf.
Day 140 of 365

Number of the day: 9 out of 15! I visited an open air art exhibition today!
Day 141 Of 365

Number of the day: 3 birds.
Day 142 of 365

8 tulips and an egg shell later...
Day 143 Of 365

Number of the day: 400g!
Day 144 of 365

In short: Algorithm: 0, @jussi_the_collie and I:1.
Day 145 of 365

Number of the day: 34 circles. The first picture shows how I tried to count the circles (tapping on them with white color).
Day 146 of 365

Number of the day: two wheels.
Day 147 of 365

Number of the day: 20:30 #earthhour.
Day 148 of 365

This thing with the switch to daylight saving/summer time. 😴
Day 149 Of 365

I painted this rabbit with tulips and 11 Easter eggs, so my godchild can use his crayons to finish it. 🐰
Day 150 of 365

Number of the day: The first time in 2021 I wore shorts (!) on a bike tour. 🚲
Day 151 of 365

Number of the day: 57 Easter egg shaped Twix Cookies.
Day 152 of 365

Silliness for the win! This was ONE fine mushroom (with bad teeth, sorry!) 🍄😂😜
Day 152 of 365

Number of the day: 7 🥚s.
Day 153 of 365
There was something in the clouds today - 3 different things.
Day 154 of 365

Number of the day: 5 new canvases!
Day 155 of 365

Number of the day: 3+1.
Day 156 of 365

Number of the day: 5 snowballs.
Day 157 of 365

Second Hand Blazer.
Day 158 of 365

Number of the day: 5 Easter bunnies in the village.
Day 159 of 365

Time for another high five (and some crazy eyes 🤪).
Day 160 of 365

Magnolia people. 🌸
Day 161 of 365

The pandemic is taking its toll: I'm constantly upping the number of nail colors. Currently there are 3.
Day 162 of 365

Put the first 5 pansies of the year on my balcony. 💚
Day 163 of 365

This is a house I saw in a documentary at minute 4:20.
Day 164 of 365

Hello from these 4 fellows.
Day 165 of 365

It had butterflies on it!
Day 166 of 365

I did excessive Blob Art today: 24 different blob things... 😅🎨
Day 167 of 365

I did some research on the "Group of Seven" (Canadian painters), today.
Day 168 of 365

Good News! You can get a steering wheel cover with rhinestones for just 13,52 €!
Day 169 of 365

I got these 3 snails! Greatest gift ever on a day where creativity is...asleep?! 😅🐌🐌🐌
Day 170 of 365

I saw a dog's face in the 5 lemon seeds...
Day 171 of 365

8 people, 1 nice evening.
Day 172 of 365

I'm all (5) eyes!
Day 173 of 365

Creating an Instagram story with just the right number of pixels is hard. 😅
Day 174 of 365

Breakfast at 7:30. 😴☕🥐🎧
Day 175 of 365

Three attempts to start on my tax declaration. 🙈
Day 176 of 365

Six words.
Day 177 of 365

4 times ice-cream.🍦🍡🍧🍨
Day 178 of 365

Number of the day: one small palm-tree 🌴.
Day 179 of 365

The pizza dough didn't go as planned: three times a pizza.
Day 180 of 365

Six reactions in Skype.
Day 181 of 365

Number of the day: 0 ✉️.
Day 182 of 365

Number of the day: I was 1 sec too slow to turn off the stove.
Day 183 of 365

Day 184 of 365

Number of the day: 6 bottles of lavender syrup. 👩🏻🔬
Day 185 of 365

Number of the day: 8.
Day 186 of 365

Number of the day: 🍄🍄🍄.
Day 187 of 365

Day 188 of 365

Number of the day: 53% (both my cellphone and I)
Day 189 of 365

Number of the day: 2.
Day 190 of 365

A 3 hour hike through the forest.
Day 191 of 365

Every time! 1 day before deadline my brain starts getting ideas.
Day 192 of 365

Chapter 85!
Day 193 of 365

Number of the day: 7 seeds.
Day 194 of 365

A star in my coffee cup. 🌟
Day 195 of 365

Number of the day: pictures of 11 tombstones for a mini art project.
Day 196 of 365

A cup of cake.
Day 197 of 365

Number of the day: 9 dots.
Day 198 of 365

"Describe your mood in four words!" - Lack of sleep and concentration, but still accomplishing the task. 💪😜🏆
Day 199 of 365

Numbers on my evening walk.
Day 200 of 365

Number of the day: 3 roosters.
Day 201 of 365

Day 202 of 365

The 22nd of May.
Day 203 Of 365

Current amount of clouds when I look out of my window. ☁️
Day 204 Of 365

Which cup do you prefer?
Day 205 of 365

This pattern in numbers: 34 🌼, 24 dots, 14 double dots, 4 ⭐.
Day 206 of 365

What's your booking number?
Day 207 Of 365

Number of the day: 3 panels. Still walking.
Day 208 Of 365

Two strawberries with changed colors.
Day 209 Of 365

News in my Dropbox!
Day 210 of 365

Is 7 am the right time for jumping around? 😅
Day 221 of 365

Number of the day: 8 feet.
Day 222 of 365

Long story short.
Day 223 Of 365

Three parts of a chopstick.
Day 224 of 365

Day 225 of 365

The numbers of the day.
Day 226 of 365

The thrill of package tracking...
Day 227 of 365

First poppy!
Day 228 of 365

What do you need for a vacation at home?
Day 229 of 365

It's an ice-cream themed week...
Day 230 of 365

Day 231 of 365

Number of the day: 2 flowers in a Kinder egg.
Day 232 of 365

Two mice, a chicken and a skateboard.
Day 233 of 365

I finished 11 drawings today!
Day 234 of 365

A butterfly landed.
Day 235 of 365

So many Huhs!
Day 236 of 365

Number of the day: 21 circles.
Day 237 of 365

Number of the day: 9 ants.
Day 238 of 365

Juggling ideas.
Day 239 of 365

Three new blossoms (on this plant I never planted - one day it appeared in the flower pot 😅)!
Day 240 of 365

Six posters later...
Day 241 of 365

Number of the day: 3-4 days too long. I should have eaten this banana a few days ago... 😬😅
Day 242 of 365

Shades of green.
Day 243 of 365

In record time.
Day 244 of 365

You always meet twice.
Day 245 of 365

New glasses!
Day 246 of 365

4 letters.
Day 247 of 365

Sushi rolls!
Day 248 of 365

Code red, which means: nail polish color number 609.
Day 249 of 365

5 min nap.
Day 250 of 365

Number of the day: 4 stones.
Day 251 of 365

Day 252 of 365

The pandemic taught me the best time to go shopping without a lot of people in the store is on Thursday at 9 am. 😅😎
Day 253 of 365

A moment.
Day 254 of 365

Number of the day: 9 circles.
Day 255 of 365

Number of the day: 3 lightnings.
Day 256 of 365

My mum is knitting a cardigan and asked me to measure one of my already existing cardis. And I think I got a bit carried away, when I sent her the numbers...
Day 258 of 365

The last few days, a friend and I tried to remember the 12 places we stayed on our bicycle tour 4 years ago...
Day 258 of 365

Planning ahead!
Day 259 of 365

The corpse flower at the University of Hohenheim is blooming - only for one day! 😍
Day 260 of 365

Number of the day: 20 trees.
Day 261 of 365

Number of the day: 4 hours. Not a minute longer.
Day 262 of 365

Number of the day: 2.
Day 263 of 365

Firework rocket science or a Covid test? 🤔🚀
Day 264 of 365

Three times twisted pesto bread.
Day 265 of 365

Number of the day: 3 drops of rain said the weather forecast.
Day 266 of 365

Number of the day: one line.
Day 267 of 365

Autobahn 1.
Day 268 of 365

5 letter word.
Day 269 of 365

Numbers of the day found in an old purse.
Day 270 of 365

3 broken rubber bands.
Day 271 of 365

Fives in Yahzee.
Day 272 Of 365
Day 273 of 365

Thousands of worms. 🐛
Day 274 of 365

Battery loading.
Day 275 of 365

28 °C.
Day 276 of 365

5 frogs.
Day 277 of 365

Day 278 of 365

At the lake.
Day 279 of 365

84 drops on a plant.
Day 280 of 365

Storm force 8.
Day 281 of 365

Two trailers.
Day 282 of 365

Number 12a.
Day 283 of 365

6 o' clock.
Day 284 of 365

Blood pressure.
Day 285 of 365

10 buckets of water.
Day 286 of 365

5 buckets of color.
Day 287 of 365

2 meter garden hose.
Day 288 of 365

Minus 1 ivy hedge.
Day 289 of 365

Two entrances.
Day 290 of 365

I stopped posting on Insta for 16 days during my vacation. Hello again!
Day 291 of 365

I got new glasses and according to the papers the pupil distance is 31,0 on my right eye and 32,0 on my left. 🤓
Day 292 Of 365

The Three Cyclops Peach Tenors.
Day 293 of 365

Today I saw a gravestone with a second page on the backside, probably because there was no room for more words on the front side.
Day 294 of 365

This ferry transported vehicles and people for the first time today!
Day 295 of 365

Tree Number 2609.
Day 296 Of 365

12 cups (abstract drawing 😅).
Day 297 of 365

3 Wild Carrot blossoms.
Day 298 of 365

Still 4 moving boxes left to unpack.
Day 299 of 365

After 4 weeks, my inbox is haunting me.
Day 300 of 365

Day 301 of 365

Number of the day: 6.
Day 302 of 365

Number of the day: 30°C in my kitchen to help the chimney sweeper check the heating in my apartment.
Day 303 of 365

Playing with collage and filter techniques...
Day 304 of 365

I made more collages! This is a birthday card (I made 10 cards in total) with dried flowers and pieces from a travel magazine.
Day 305 Of 365

Number of the day: only 4 phone calls! 🥳
Day 306 of 365

Number of the day: 6 bottles of lights.
Day 307 of 365

Number of the day: 3 out of 4.
Day 308 of 365

Three new books! 😍
Day 309 of 365

4 things in my pocket.
Day 310 of 365

24 lights.
Day 311 of 365

Cloud number: 9.
Day 313 of 365

Day 314 of 365

12 smiling faces.
Day 315 of 365

Number of the day: 2 balloons.
Day 316 of 365

One strange insect in my office.
Day 317 of 365

My grandmother's measuring tape.
Day 318 of 365

4 slices of cucumber.
Day 319 of 365

Day 320 of 365

9 bubbles during a telephone call.
Day 321 of 365

(Two) thumbs up!
Day 322 of 365

The view out of the window on the 6 o' clock train.
Day 323 of 365

2 new wheels!
Day 324 of 365

One line portrait.
Day 325 of 365

Two in nine notes! 🎵
Day 326 of 365

Sketching a filmscene (0:00:29) from John Lennon and Yoko Ono's "Imagine".
Day 327 Of 365

Second picture (interpretation) of Yoko and John from "Imagine".
Day 328 of 365

Oh no! = 4 letters, 2 words.
Day 329 of 365

Number of the day: 7011.210 yellow.
Day 330 of 365

Two dozen (or so) little garden roses!
Day 331 of 365

4 steps ahead.
Day 332 of 365

The sky at 7 pm.
Day 333 of 365

Number of the day: 3 drops of yogurt. One is a cat.
Day 334 Of 365

1 skull, 10 teeth.
Day 335 of 365

Sunrise today at 7.13 am.
Day 336 of 365

Page 113!
Day 337 of 365

Day 338 Of 365

52 petals.
Day 339 of 365

Number of the day: 6 colors.
Day 340 of 365
A short story in 4 pictures: someone forgot their treasure box. But: Happy End!
Day 341 of 365

Two pairs of eyes in the dark.
Day 342 of 365

Question on September 30th: Will there be a Christmas fair this year?
Day 343 of 365

Day 1 of this year's #Creativesprint (yay!) and Day 343 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I try to answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: make something that fits in the palm of your hand. And the number of the day is: minus one. 😅✋🦟
Day 346 of 365

Day 4 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 346 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I try to answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Make an inanimate object look like an animal. A screwdriver size 5 elephant.
Day 346 of 365

Day 5 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 346 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I try to answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Important teachings - it takes two to tango and it takes two hundred to mosh pit.
Day 347 of 365

Day 6 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 347 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I try to answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The
prompt for today is: open a book or magazine to any page with text. Use those words to create a poem. 6 words out of 109:
Be Sage.
In Triumph.
In Sinn.
Day 348 of 365

Day 7 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 348 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I try to answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: make something inedible look delicious. One coffee bean on a Latte Macchiato (aka sink plug).
Day 349 of 365

Day 8 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 349 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I try to answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Use items in your closet as your inspiration today. The last pair of socks.
Day 350 of 365

Day 9 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 350 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I try to answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The
prompt for today is: Design a monument to honor an ordinary event. - The 3 pm afternoon stroll on a roll. ☀️
#ayearinnumbers #ayearinnumb3ers #365daysproject
Day 351 of 365

Day 10 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 365 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: make something by tearing, ripping, or poking holes.
Day 353 of 365

Day 12 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 353 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt
for today is: Construct something using only sticks, leaves, rocks or any other materials found in nature. - 2 anomalies! 🧐☝️
Day 354 of 365

Day 13 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 354 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Draw a map of a fictional or imagined place. - My To Do List for October the 13th.
Day 355 of 365

Day 14 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 355 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Create a disguise for your pet. - This is one of my (circa 3) pet spiders in my apartment.
Day 356 of 365

Day 357 of 365

Day 16 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 357 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt
for today is: Doodle non-stop while listening to a favorite song. - I listened 2 times to Queen's "Love of my Life" (2 times 3 min 37 sec). 🎶
#ayearinnumbers #ayearinnumb3ers #365daysproject
Day 358 of 365

Day 17 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 358 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt
for today is: Make a puppet. - The Count!
Day 359 of 365

Day 18 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 359 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt
for today is: make a rainbow out of things in your immediate environment. - Number of the day: 1 problem with blue fruits solved. 😅
Day 360 of 365

Day 19 of #Creativesprint and Day 360 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today
is: Create something inspired by the work of another Creative sprinter. - This is my tribute to @princelypebbles work of art and her Prince project #princerocksproject. I love and admire what you
do!!! 🤩🙏
PS: The numbers for today are 1958-2016. 💜
Day 361 of 365

Day 20 of #Creativesprint and Day 361 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today
is: Make something using only materials found in a kitchen. - Self portrait out of 37 dried peppermint leaves and 4 bag fasteners.
Day 362 of

Day 21 of this year's #Creativesprint and Day 362 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt
for today is: Transform an object to appear as if it came from the future. - I proudly present a new screwdriver: The Shoe Key No. 7 est. in 2037!
Day 363 of 365

Day 22 of #Creativesprint and Day 363 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today
is: Invent a new word and illustrate its meaning. - "Cumulonumbersclouds" = Clouds that look like numbers. ☁️
Day 364 of 365

Day 23 of #Creativesprint and Day 364 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today
is: Make something in a public place and leave it there for someone else to find. - Numbers for today: 7 + 1.
Day 1 of 7 times Day 365

Day 24 of #Creativesprint and Day 365 of #ayearinnumbers (ironically I did a year in numbers and jumbled up the numbers of the days, so today is the first of 7 Days that it's Day 365 🤣🙈🥳), my
yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Create something inspired by what happened today in history. - On the 24th of
October in 1939 the Zeppelin LZ 126 later known as ZR-3 USS Los Angeles was decommissioned.
Day 2 of 7 days of Day 365 of 365

Day 25 of #Creativesprint and Day 365 of #ayearinnumbers (ironically I did a year in numbers and jumbled up the numbers of the days, so today is the second of 7 Days that
it's Day 365 🤣🙈🥳), my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Recreate a famous work of art in
your own way. - This is my tribute to Jasper John's series "O through 9" in which the artist experimented with layering the numbers from 0 to 9 and the shapes that emerged from it.
Day 3 of 7 times Day 365 of 365

Day 26 of #Creativesprint and Day 365 of #ayearinnumbers (ironically I did a year in numbers and jumbled up the numbers of the days, so today is the third of 7 Days that
it's Day 365 🤣🙈🥳), my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Write a 6 word ghost story. - with
19 "A"s.
Day 4 Of 7 Days That It's Day 365 Of 365

Day 27 of #Creativesprint and Day 365 of #ayearinnumbers (ironically I did a year in numbers and jumbled up the numbers of the days, so today is the 4th of 7 Days that it's
Day 365 🤣🙈🥳), my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Design a chart or graph to share unusual
information. - The train ride from the South to the North of Germany. 🚂
Day 5 of 7 Days That it's Day 365 Of 365

Day 28 of #Creativesprint and Day 365 of #ayearinnumbers (ironically I did a year in numbers and jumbled up the numbers of the days, so today is the 5th of 7 Days that it's
Day 365 🥳), my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Make something inspired by your favorite
candy or sweet treat. - 4 out of 8. 🍬🍫🚀
The 6th Day That It's Day 365 Of 365

Day 29 of #Creativesprint and Day 365 of #ayearinnumbers (ironically I did a year in numbers and jumbled up the numbers of the days, so today is the 6th of 7 Days that it's
Day 365 🥳), my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?". The prompt for today is: Ask someone whose opinion you respect to
select one of your previous day's work for you to revisit or revise today. - I added today's date on my Day 16.
Day 365 Of 365

Day 30 of #Creativesprint and (really really) Day 365 of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project in which I answer the question "What does a year look like in numbers?" (yay!
🎉🏆). The prompt for today is: Create a trophy for yourself to celebrate!
Last Day!

Day 31 of #Creativesprint and Reflection Day! It's also the last day of #ayearinnumbers, my yearlong project. Wow! It was great to end another year with the annual Creative Sprint and this
awesome community! Thank you!
Tomorrow, I'll start my fifth year of creating something every day - that makes 1490 little art works up to today and it seems, I can't stop with the numbers.