1 of 365

Make something that fits in your hand. There are 7.5 billion people in the world. During my new project I want to tell stories from 365 of them: stories from random strangers, from people I knew my whole life, from my ancestors, from people I meet at work, from people I like, from people I don't like, from people all around the world and from people next door...AND I'll use Noah Scalin's book again "365 A Daily Creativity Journal" - it feels like coming home. 😉
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Inspired by a favorite animal. A few years ago I worked with young people and one evening we sat by the campfire and the conversation turned serious and one of the girls told us that a few months ago a friend of her died, another girl added that her father died when she was younger... Then a boy began to speak and said, that his hamster died, too: "You know, it grew dear to my heart!" - and it was great: nobody laughed or made fun of him. Everyone just turned silent. Then after a few moments the first girl started giggling and when we wanted to know what's so funny, she just said: "Sorry, I was thinking how it would look like, if his hamster would actually grow to his heart." 😁
3 of 365

Use paper without scissors or glue. My little godchild was baptized today.
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Take a walk outside and make something with the materials you found there: Rose petals and ivy butterflies.
A few years ago, I went out for a night partying with my flatmates and one of them got a little drunk and bought all of us roses from a flower seller. He didn't explain why and I remember that we were all slightly confused and weren't sure about the appropriate reaction to this gift. But I kept the (now well dried) rose to this day. Aforesaid flatmate was also known for his proclivity for absinth and falling asleep with loud pop music.
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Use a collection.
I think it's safe to say that I tend to collect nail polish (this is just a selection). 😬😁 The second one on the left is the nail polish, my cousin used for her wedding.
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Use a fruit or vegetable. A student named David E. Strickler thankfully invented the first banana split more than 100 years ago.
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Make a stencil. There was a boy who came to my hometown just to drink some liquor with the pastor...
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Transform an old book into something new. This book was a gift from my colleague who recently retired. He had to clear his office and didn't want to throw everything in the bin. This is kind of a portrait of him...😊
9 of 365

Make something with your breakfast.
After I finished my studies, I moved to a town with a lot of chicken farms in the neighborhood. And my friend from university - he is strictly vegan and an animal rights activist - said: "I'll come to visit you and we go free the chickens!"
10 of 365

Use water as your inspiration. I went to Hamburg today and to the harbour (I took the pictures there) - the first time I went there on holiday about 15 years ago, I met a retired captain who told me he dreamed about living in the mountains. He was tired of the sea, he wanted to experience something else at the end of his life.
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Camouflage something. I got this ladybug from a pharmacist. He said he loves to give them to his customers to brighten their day. (By the way a very good strategy to build up a clientele 😋☝)
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Work with tea. A few years ago, my father and his friends used to make their own kites and they also made kites for us kids.
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Make something microscopic. When you ask people what crazy stories they can to tell, sometimes you hear that there are four year olds who accidentally kill raindeers by feeding them poisonous plants.
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Use a one dollar note. Or in my case: a five euro note. Two weeks ago, I met a farmer in the train, he was on his way to his grandmother and we shared an apple and some stories about our grandmothers. 😀🍎
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Make a unique print. My artist friend W. never uses brushes, but all kinds of other materials to print and paint and draw. I think that's really courageous and impressive. So here's a noodle print in his honor.
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Make something that goes over your eyes. Autumn leaves for today and the story of my former flatmate who went on a walk with me, suddenly stopped and said: "Now breathe in and smell the roses, and if there are no roses at least we smell the rottening leaves!"
18 of 365

Make something with what you find in your car. - Or: in my bicycle bag. My co-worker always has a bottle of sparkling wine in her office - just in case. I like her style.
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Make something that floats on water. Today, my uncle met the man who came to clean the chimney of my uncle's house. He got very excited, took a picture of the sweep and sent it to me - to show me how handsome chimney sweepers are these days. 😶😁
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Write a ten-word love story and illustrate it.
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Build a bridge. This is my homage to the Cau Vang Bridge in Vietnam - "The Golden Bridge" was planned by six architects from Ho-Chi-Minh-City in only one year.
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Dig in the recycling bin for today's materials. - Me and Them.
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Work green on green. When I did an internship with a forester, the woodmen showed me how to plant trees. This is a pesto tree on Tupperware. 😉🌱
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Work with nature. I continue these stories about people who kindly offered me internship positions: Once I did an internship at a flower shop. That was a great one. The shop owner was a nice lady and I got my salary in flowers. 🤗🌸🏵💐
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Make something portable which usually isn't. Yesterday I met a person who moved for the fifteenth time - and he is only 20 years old.
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Inspired by a current dream. I asked some friends about their current dreams: There was a lot of fleeing and hiding in the dreams...
28 of 365

Work with materials from school. Okay, this is very old school. This morning my colleague came to my office, brought me some coffee and said he just wanted to check in on me and wish me a good day.
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Make a disguise. Little tangerine man. 🍊😎✌
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Work with toys. Today I made Advent wreaths with 30 children and their parents. That was fun. 😅✌🕯
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Make a path for others to follow. One of my colleagues really really likes sweets, so I made some early Christmas cookies for our meeting tomorrow.
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Make something ephemeral. Liquid soap in water. This reminds me of the lava lamp my brother had when he was a kid.
33 of 365

Work with pens. Today's résumé: Meeting with friends isn't easy. 🙈😂
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Use wire today. This is a paperclip speech bubble in honor of the students I worked with today. They were so good in speaking in high terms of each other! 😍👌
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Make instructions and have someone to try it out. We were dancing today...Not only to David Bowie. 😉💃
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Make something old look new. 10 years ago I went on a hiking trip in England with these boots and a friend and we got the muddiest shoes I ever saw.
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Work with a stapler. My former flatmates and I have selfmade friendship-staplers. 💪😁
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Work under water. I tried to, but the lemon kept on floating around. 🙈😁🍋
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Write a haiku about something that happens today. Well, hello there. 👋
40 of 365

Work with yarn. Today I talked about generations and how we are all linked together.
41 of 365

Make something bigger as it usually is. To the shining hours today! 🌟🍸
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Use junk mail today. It was a crazy day with a lot of people going crazy. I turned it into a collage. 😅✌
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Learn something new from a friend. Today, I visited a very clever friend who told me that I don't have to be an expert in everything - which was new for me: I thought I need to be one. 😬😉🙈
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Light something up. I let the screen shine through a hole in a piece of black paper, so one can read "Good News" at the horizon. 😊🌟
45 of 365

Work with tape. I exchanged gifts with friends today.
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What can you do with your face? I can take a picture of it in the train window and work with an app to put color on it.
47 of 365

Work with flowers. I worked with a flower AND a shell (looks like an egg but it's a shell😁) and put a flower fairy in it. I talked about fairytales with a co-worker...
48 of 365

How tall can you make something that (almost) stands on its own? My mum made these! 😍🌟
49 of 365

Use a lot of something. I used a lot of dots to create this capricorn, which is my star sign. We had a fun discussion about star signs during this year's last meeting with my colleagues.
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Work white on white. Everyone's prefered utensil today...
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Make something that wouldn't normally considered as cute or cuddly into something that is. Peanut mice. Something about a Christmas mouse in the house I discussed with people today. 🐭
52 of 365

Work upside down. Whale watching!
53 of 365

The sense of smell. Christmas tree decorating with the family... 😬😅🌲🌵🌴🌟
54 of 365

Make something with dots.
55 of 365

Write an advertising jingle for something in nature: "Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree...you are extremely sugar free!!!"
56 of 365

Make something heavy seem light. A Whale again. This seems a good metaphor for the things, someone told me today: trying to see the light side of heavy things. 🤓✌
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Use a disposable plastic bag to create something new today. "Do you need a bag?" the bookseller asked today. "No, thanks."
58 of 365

Make something as big as you can. I took the train today and watched the other passengers and let me just say: I wished some of them had a watch to see what time it is (maybe not as big as this, but still...) - one woman almost missed her stop, everyone was running... 😱🙈
59 of 365

Work with two materials that generally don't go together. Moon at day with acrylic color on toilet paper roll. Somehow the moon is one of the favorite topics I discussed with people, lately.
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Make something that casts a shadow and document only the shadow. I experimented with cyanography and used some kitchen utensils and was curious about the outcome. I got the paper from a friend who knows me well...
61 of 365

Use things from the bathroom. No tampon tax from tomorrow on: A lot of people raised their voices (for years 🙄) and it worked! 🎉
62 of 365

Make something with your dinner today. It's the New Year's Day Face. 💪😎😅
63 of 365

Create a unique mask. The ticket inspector in the train today, advised a passenger to mute his loud music: "If there were a fire on the train, you would not hear any announcements and be the first to burn to death!" - Ooookaaaaay. Rigorous. 😬😅🎧
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Incorporate yourself in whatever you make today. - Hello from the other side. 👋
65 of 365

Work with the classic tangram shapes. I had the following discussion with a friend after I declared that I really like baking:
- "I don't like to bake."
- "Why?"
- "You need a recipe. I don't like to do things with recipes."
- "I don't need a recipe to bake something."
- "Okay, then you need experience. Either a recipe or experience. You see the dilemma?" 😁
66 of 365

Go to the grocery store to find your materials. I stayed at home today, because it's Sunday. But I need to go to the grocery store tomorrow: So I wrote my grocery list and since tomorrow is my first workday of the new year, I remembered that sometimes talking to people at work is like talking to aliens. Therefore I wrote a grocery list for aliens. 😅🖖
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Write a ten-word science fiction story. A conversation I had with my colleague today. I sense I will have this conversation in future workplaces, too. 😬😂🙈
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Work with paper maché. It is a kind of paper maché technique I used for today's prompt. It says "Stop!" which is the same thing, the group I worked with said today: "Stop! We want to do it in a different way!" - and so we did. ✌😀
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Create a puzzle. "Trust the process" was my mantra today, while working with the people in my seminar. 😌
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Work with numbers today. My colleague enthusiastically tried to convince me, that 7 is the most special number. 🤔😂🙌
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Make something that seems from another time. My friends and I couldn't find dates to meet in person and have some coffee, so we thought about being present as holograms...
72 of 365

Work with shoes. @tanja8292 and I talked about red rubber boots to walk confidently in the puddles of life. And she got her pair today! 😍... And I drew myself a pair on my house shoe.
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Work with stones and gravel. What I really like at the beginning of the new year: everyone makes plans for the (summer) holidays. 😍🏝🏖
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Go to a restaurant or cafe and ask for your materials for today. - Went there, got a cake (from very nice employees), ate the cake (it was delicious), and I forgot to use it as my material. 🙈😂
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Get some chalk and work on the sidewalk. Saying a heartfelt thank you to each other after a productiv meeting at work is my new favorite thing.
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Make something inspired by and that goes over an ear. Party-leftovers from an After-new-years-eve-and-christmas-party.
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Use shredded paper. "It comes and goes in waves", she said.
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Make up a name and back story for a stranger you see today. Maggie and Harold. 📱🤔
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Find trash in the streets. Not everyone gets enough sleep these days...
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Try dyeing. I used green tea to dye and did some basic tie-dye technique as we did with the kids at children's camp.
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Use a rubber. This is for the people who unintentionally kill their plants (rub them out so to speak).
82 of 365

Create a new utensil. Not new, but handy in case you need chopsticks - and I went sushi eating today, so... 😎
83 of 365

Make a visual pun. Chris: cross. = criss-cross. ⚡
84 of 365

Use soap. My colleague and I played Battleship with the QM report... Don't ask...😂🙈
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Work with words. I asked: "What is your word of the day?" And the answer was: "Horoscope". ✌🌚
86 of 365

Decorate a cake. This is overdramatic icing - I see parallels to some people's talk...
87 of 365

Use candle wax. "What's the word of the day?" I asked. "Psychoneuroimmunology." they said. --> Sorry about this in-joke, but at least two people are going to laugh, when they read this. 🙈😂
88 of 365

Use things you find in the office. Nonverbal communication.
89 of 365

Use packing materials. Today is storytelling Day at #thejanuarychallenge from #64millionartists and @michelle.genders asked me to tell her a story about my life and in return told me, that she used to work as a clown named Sparkles - and life as a clown is not always fun...but the best thing I thought about being a clown is, that you choose a name which will be yours forever and no one else is allowed to use your name. Thank you Michelle for this story and the inspiration and knowledge that came with it! 😍🤗💞
90 of 365

Make a piñata and destroy it. I made a truffles piñata. Smashing other people's prejudices is a part of my job. But today, I am humbled, because the people I work with smashed my own stereotypes. Lucky me.
91 of 365

Work with coffee. In my last seminar we talked about addiction... Ehm. Yes. 😬✌
92 of 365

Write a letter to your future self. How to deal with people - Freedom and Trust.
93 of 365

This month I am doing the Creativesprint "Inspiration is everywhere" combined with my yearlong project. Day 1 of Creativesprint: Do something only children do. And Day 93 of 365 of my 365 People Project: work with screws. What else can you stick up your nose as a child?! 😬😅
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Day 2 of the Creativesprint: Create a fortune that you would like to receive. And Day 94 of 365 of my 365 People Project: use orange materials today. There are people who invent fortune-cookie-cracking-websites and I used one of those to get my fortune - and it fits perfectly.
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Day 3 of the Creativesprint (swipe to see my mum's work for today's prompt): Complete the statement "One thing I know to be true...". And Day 95 of 365 of my 365 People Project: ask a stranger what you should do today. I asked, and they said "have a beer and have fun" - but somehow I was more serious today and wasn't in the mood for some superficial stuff...😬😌✌
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Day 7 for Creativesprint: Inspired by astronomy (swipe to see my mum's work for today's prompt - she made cookies 😍😱🍪). And Day 99 of 365 of my 365 People Project: Inspired by the world of insects. A young girl once told me that everyone is into butterflies nowadays, that's why she likes dragonflies.
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Day 8 for Creativesprint: Inspired by thoughts and events after 3 min of contemplation. And Day 100 of 365 of my 365 People Project: Use an old t-shirt. I immediately thought about blood stains... I don't know... Maybe it was my day holding a seminar about grief and dying or my thoughts about murder when there were drunken and annoying men on the train on my way home?! 🤔😅
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Day 9 for Creativesprint: hide something and create a treasure map to find it (swipe to see my mum's work for today's prompt - she hid a flower in the living room). And Day 101 of 365 of my 365 People Project: work with a sentence from a book. Quotes by Mary Oliver seem to resonate with a lot of people... And I can relate.
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Day 14 for Creativesprint: Souvenirs from a imaginary journey. And Day 106 of 365 of my 365 People Project: go to a thrift store and see what you get. A few months ago I went to a thrift store, bought some books and talked to the saleswoman. Somehow we started talking about art and about my yearlong project and she gifted me some pencils to work with one day. Today was that day! 🎉🎉🎉
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Make something seem like it is passing through solid material. - Hiding!
125 of 365

Triangulate. Reminder that the people in my seminar want to talk about pyramid-conspiracy-theories. My new favorite nonsense topic. 🙈😂💀
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Make something that can fly. This is how a lot of my plans looked like im the last few days. But that's okay, I made new ones. 🤗🎉
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Make mailart. Talking about grandparents today...
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Write a ten-word autobiography. From a distance... ✌😊❤
129 of 365

Make a travel poster for a fictional vacation. This is a summary of travelling plans...⚓🚀
130 of 365

Pick a piece of music. "This is a Rebel Song" by Sinead O'Conor. I talked about everyday fights against (more or less subtile) misogyny and racism and how it is tiring and frustrating. And the people I talked to said: Why don't you just give up and win peace? - And I thought: How do you think one can just give up? How can you not see that there is no peace? We can't give up. We need more rebel songs.
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Make a word out of objects. - STINGS. 📍
132 of 365

Create something on a T-Shirt and wear it for the rest of the day. - Saving energy in all parts of life. ✌😎
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Make something surreal. A surreal bread with cheese and eggs. 👾
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Inspired by your favorite childhood story. Today I talked about knights with my colleague at work. So here is a rough sketch of a brother of Knight Rusty.
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Make a rubbing by placing paper over rough objects. Flower. 🌸
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Create a lifesize person with clothes. Current mood - but with rainbow socks. 🌈
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Make something inspired by the morning sky. Light grey. ☁
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Inspired by a fictional character. - Mary Poppins.
139 of 365

Watch something decaying and document it.
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Day 1 of the weeklong Creativesprint and Day 140 of my 365 days project: make a rebus. - My name is Regina and if you ignore orthography you get the anagram. 😬😅
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Make something inspired by your favorite movie. Obviously, I decided that today's favorite movie is Dirty Dancing. But anyway, I learned today, that in Germany there is a way to support your local cinemas while they have to stay closed. Visit hilfdeinemkino.de, choose your favorite cinema and watch 15 minutes of advertisment that you would normally watch before the movie starts (you can also turn the volume down in case you don't want to listen). So the cinema still gets the money for showing these ads. Easy! 💪📽🎬
Maybe there is something similar in other countries?
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Work with the color purple. Ideas everywhere! 😄🎉💜
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Work with all your utensils. These are all utensils I worked with today. I love that there is art to connect with people during this time.
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Make something inspired by a nose. I remembered a children's book from my childhood that somehow pictured a nose with flowers...
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Work with crayons. Indoor dance party.
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Make a Rube Goldberg machine. Patting my own head today...
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Make something light seem heavy.
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Invent a board game. This is a rough draft of a game I played with a friend today: she paid me compliments to make me draw her a thing or two. 😂🙈
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Fingerprints! A friend quizzed me about easter bunnies today... 🤔
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Work with toilet paper tubes. I call this "Rock n' Roll". I never talked so much about the lack of both TP and hair cuts as I did during the last days. And I have only one answer (I don't really have an answer, but hey...): Rock n' Roll! 😬🤘
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Make something you can stand on. WiFi comes in waves these days... 🙄😅
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Work with homonyms today. Sorry: bad grammar, low pun - but this was the first thing I thought of. 😌🙈
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Use makeup. - Corona Conversations.
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Make a kit for something that normally wouldn't need one. More or less a kit... But I suggest that you take a kettle of kindness with you, wherever you go. 💪☕💞
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Make something with a calendar. - There is this very comfortable chair in my friend's house and I count the days until I can sit there again.
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Make a trap. Collaboration with @michelle.genders! 🎉💞 The theme of her 365 days project is "What inspires me?" And her sub theme is "What inspires bee?" so we did an international bee exchange via hand traps in a video. Including bee sounds. And laughter. 💛🐝💛
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Work with something out of the freezer. - Always in my mum's and in my freezer: Peas. ✌
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Use the wind. I made this hanger with items I got from friends. And yes, that's a chopstick on top. 😅
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Transform a piece of furniture into something other than what it's meant for. THE chair - but make it art. 🎨
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Make an armour. I combined this prompt with prompt no. 5 of the "Quarantine Art Club" by Carson Ellis (make a treasure map).
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Work with pencils. This is my neighbor's cat in the window on the opposite side of the street. I named it Walter.
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Make a ten-word horror story. - The potatoes came alive and no one can stop them. A friend and I discussed the problem, that we aren't talented in storing potatoes - they always sprout immediately.
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Create a personal shelter. Ah yes this is my personal super shelter - virtual and digital during these days, but it still feels like this.
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Make something unintended out of existing instructions: Meeting for a virtual wine this evening. 🎉🍷
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Work in black and white.
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Make a book out of anything but paper. This is a plant book..."Reading or not reading?" is one of the topics I talk a lot about with people during these days. Some find comfort in reading, some can't concentrate....
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Make a new traffic sign. - Physical distancing ants. 🐜↔🐜
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Work with kitchen tools. Dish washer face! Is the dish washer officially a kitchen tool? Anyway: My neighbor's washing machine broke yesterday. So: thank you, dear dish washer for smiling and working. 🙏😅
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Miniturize. Remember the ants from Day 173? They have mini-face masks now.
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Make something inside look as if it's outside.
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Make a robot out of everyday objects. The arms of the robot are French sweets, I got from my co-worker. They stick in your teeth for days and they include bad jokes on the inside of the wrapper. Yummy! 😁
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Inspired by the world of birds. Inspired by my neighborhood.
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Make something with seeds. "Ah ha ha ha stayin alive..."
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Make something unseasonal. Merry Christmas everyone! I challenged my family and friends to join me in making cookies today: It's comforting and providing a feeling of control and organization in these strange and troubled times. Try it! 🤗🍪❄⛄🎄⭐
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Inspired by skulls and bones. Did you know that people get horse skulls tattoos? I had a dead horse head-Mafia-conversation with a friend earlier this week - don't ask. 🙈😂
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Work with hands. Video conferencing galore. 🙌🙌🙌
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Make a hat and wear it all day. - This is a sock hat, which is very practical for the growing hair during quarantine. If you need one: find a mother that loves to knit socks, take a pair, make a knot and put it around the pony tail. 💪😁
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Skyline. "Home is where the heart is".
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Work with the color yellow.
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Make something quiet. I quietly wrote an elevenie. Writing elevenies means focussing and reducing the thoughts to only eleven words. I love to challenge myself and the people I work with to use it as a reflection method. And in this elevenie I reflect on my current thoughts in this phase of the pandemic.
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Work with a paper bag. - My friend conducted job interviews today, and she asked the applicants what they thought might be the most important task on the job and one of them said: "I think the most important thing is keeping up the flow". 😎👉
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Make something with your lunch. There are a lot of conversations about Corona chic and eating routines during the last weeks. I prefer the combination of both: Haute cuisine and haute couture. Bon appetit!
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Write a Limerick (with false grammar and bad rhymes 😎). - It is super cheap my vacation this year: going to Paris in my dreams. But I'm a patient person: The actual trip, it's only a pleasure deferred!
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Use newspaper and make something large. - some days overwhelmingly taking up space (also every conversation, thought, idea...): the news.
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Work with sugar. Minimalistic attempt for today: Gather the circle! 🔄
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Create a family crest. What can I say? My family prefers to eh...step out of line. 😅
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Build a puppet. - I run out of patience with people who are selfish, indifferent, self-righteous and cruel. 😤😠
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Walk on something. - I listened to a crisis researcher who told their audience, that if you don't know which way is the best way to get out of a crisis - the worst thing that you can do is NOT moving. "Just try out all the possible and sensible (!) ways and eliminate the wrong ones."
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(Friendly) Monster. Any resemblance to a living person is purely coincidental. 😇
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Write a ten-word fantasy story. - And they lived happily ever after! 🎉🎉🎉
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Make something inspired by a mouth. This is a pixelated mouth. - A symbolic image of how the videoconferencing went today. 😁🙈🙄
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Diagram a new dance step. This is the Elephant Waltz! My mum made baby rattles out of Kinder surprise eggs and I "had" to eat the chocolate and keep the toys (like this elephant).
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Create a go flag for a new country. I present: The Land of the Anarchistic Dog. - Today, my neighbor tried to make his dog listen to him. He wasn't very successful. 😬😂🙈
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Hair. - I did a bike tour today and I almost bumped together with an old man who was distracted and didn't see me. We missed each other by a hair's breadth (hehe) - after that, I asked him if he's okay (he was) and then we chatted and he told me about his favorite songs... 😅🙈
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Build a pair of eyeglasses. - Today's insight: I'd choose the second one, although it might be easier to go with the first... 😎
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Make something new look old. Drinking straw grandpa in action! Today we celebrated a birthday (not mine), the last official workday (also not mine) and becoming an aunt (also not me). So basically I brought the straws and everyone else brought the occasions to the party. 🎉🎉🎉
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Make a map. A lot of people made a bike tour today. So was I. And this was my route.
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Ask a friend what to do today. "Focus on the here and now." seems a good idea.
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Make a meal that doesn't look like what it actually is. This is a sheep (pizza)... One of the people I work with has two sheeps. She regularly goes for a walk with them. 🐑🐑
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Sewing on paper. It's the word of the day. 🤘
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Rorschach test. This is a combination of my 3 current art projects. 😂🙈 The Rorschach test for the #365peopleproject and today's prompt for #mayinplace which is: #wings. And I started the "I met..." Project while self-isolating during the pandemic: I meet people (only via videoconferencing), plants, feelings, furniture, things in my appartment, while staying at home. Today, I met this little angel I got from a friend during the first week of the lockdown in March and since then it sits on my kitchen table. 😍
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Create a package for something that's normally unwrapped. - Barely wrapped criticism presented by: me. 😁😎✌
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Create something inside of a bottle. We talked about bright lookouts and plans for the holidays, today. 😎🍹
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Create a new holiday. Today is Orange Limonade and Mini Calzone Appreciation Day! 🎉🎉🎉
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Inspired by the world of fish. My uncle and my aunt don't live under the sea, but in a valley in the woods and they share the experience of these fish: they don't have internet or WiFi there. 😱
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Use what you find in a first aid kit. This is a children's band aid (the only ones I have in my household 😅) And here is a story about band aids: within two days, my cousin, her husband and her son cut or otherwise hurt the exact same finger on their left hand and after that, they were all very proud of their family's "signiture finger" (covered with a band aid). 😂🙈
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Use toothpicks. - I used toothpicks to paint the fields I saw on my bike tour. Toothpick-painting reminds me of my friend W. who only uses utensils like toothpicks and paperrolls to make art.
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Make graffiti with water. - Today's lesson: More talking, less assuming.
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Work with light. After a lot of trouble at work, this is the motto of the day: "A few lights are better then none." ✌
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Create a flipbook animation. Everyone got wet today. Everyone, except my colleague. 😅☔
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Measurements. - It's the first day of my fake-ation (we cancelled our original vacation plans for pandemic reasons). And these are the measurements for this Piña Colada: 20 ml lemon juice, 40 ml Creme of Coconut, 20 ml cream, 60 ml rum, 80 ml pineapple juice. Bon appetit! 🍹
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Make a mosaic. - Blue. 🔵
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Work with the color blue.
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Be inspired by trees. In my appartment-sharing community, we had this little bonsai tree, that every new flatmate got as a "welcome gift"...🌱
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Make something appetizing seem unappetizing (but still edible). This might be an option to keep my brother away from the sweets when he's around.
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Create a Mad Libs like story. Today a friend and I shared stories from our first dating experiences. 😅🙈
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Get dirty. I saw a running squirrel in the mud. That reminds me of the situation at my brother's home: when he got home after two weeks on vacation, he discovered that while he was away, a squirrel moved in on his balcony. 😁🐿
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Make a unique bird or other animal house. This is a toilet paper roll house for bats. - My aunt's brother-in-law volunteers at a bat shelter which is a very cool hobby, I think.
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Work with cards. I got this "tent" (on the left) from a three year old girl and thought I'd make a matching card tent. 🏕
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Transform a room. My bathroom is now an international art gallery. - I thought and talked about belittling oneself and this is my counteraction. 🤘😎
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Balance something. Today I talked with a group of women about (not) achieving work life balance (during a pandemic).
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Work with bicycle parts. On one of my bicycle tours, I met a couple who explained their idea of cycling: "We go really slow, then we stop to have some coffee and cake, then we sit on a bench to enjoy the sun, then we start again, but reeeeaaaally slow!" 😂 - this is definitely not how I do my bike tours. 🙈😅
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Make a container. - New pets everywhere! 🎉
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A new superheroine: earlier at the supermarket I wished there could have been "The Translator", just so that people would have stopped being angry and instead would have tried to understand each other. 🙄
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Inspired by clouds. This is the evening sky today. At least it was, when I talked to my family about today's weather. 😅
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Create a Portmonteau: Coronanger - The anger I feel about my ignorant neighbors, partying with a lot of their friends in their appartment during a pandemic. 👿🙈😣
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Make a new label. - My door has a label now with a nod to banksy and to frkirsche (who lost some followers today and has to deal with some remaining). 🙋❤
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Use your body. - Connecting dots on my skin and celebrating the end of this workday with my colleagues. 🍸🍻🎉
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Carry something around during the day. I carried this tissue with me, today. And it has a life of its own (and it looks like my grandma)! 😱😅
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Make a special bookmark. - My colleague and I celebrated our four-star quality management certificate. This is the forth star. ⭐⭐⭐⭐🎉
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Make a mural. I visited a private garden today. The owner showed me how "nature does most of the gardening". 😍🌸
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Desaturate. - I used some black and white filters on my coffee this morning. So is it filter coffee then? [Asking the baristas here].🤓😅
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Use chopsticks. I explained to my parents, what my quarantine preparation shopping concept is: having toilet paper, flour, milk, spaghetti, coffee and incredients for making sushi in the house - and I remembered the Lion King Song: "...Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared! " 😅🙈🎶
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Invent a new sport. - Today: chasing clouds. 🌬☁
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Work with markers. - Apparently "Quarantine-Gardening" is really a thing: everyone tells me how they developed new gardening skills during this pandemic! 😀🌻🌿
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Make a postage stamp. - "Utopia is on the horizon. I move two steps closer; it moves two steps further away. I walk another ten steps and the horizon runs ten steps further away. As much as I may walk, I'll never reach it. So what's the point of utopia? The point is this: to keep walking." [Eduardo Galeano] - I found this quote and remembered a conversation I recently had with my brother about activism and I don't know if he knew this quote, but this is basically what he told me about keeping on the fight. So I'm going to send him this "postage stamp". 💌
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Frame something. Today I just wanted to make something nice. 🤗😇
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Defying gravity. - Floating umbrella! I won a bet today: my colleague got wet in the rain, but not me! 💪
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Sew something. This is the morse code procedure sign for "break". I was discussing and looking forward to breaks today. ✌😎
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Hide and seek. I hid this little plant in the shot glass for my mum to find, when she'll visit me. My dad and I agreed today, that she is the owner of (we think) 523 plants. This is No. 524. 😂🙈🌱
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Open a random drawer. - I found this little figure.
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Popcorn. - People-Watching today was popcorn-worthy. 🤓🍿
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Inspired by details. - Question of the day: how to get rid of an ear-worm?
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Make some shoes. - Wan Tan Shoes!
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Work with natural materials. - A small tent. Easy to set up. 😉🏕
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Create something that can transport you across the room. I weeled on my office chair across the room with a hot air balloon on it. - Today was the first day since the start of the pandemic, that I saw a hot air balloon - so I think, people make balloon trips again! 🌬🎈
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Inspired by pets. - My friends have dogs, cats and rabbits as pets - I have a bunch of fruit flies.
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Lucky charm.
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Use packaging tape. "What would you take with you on your last journey?" - we discussed this question today under the impression of a pandemic.
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Doodle for half an hour.
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Make an artificial window. Vacation is in sight. But first: an after-work beer.
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Make something cute and cuddly into something that isn't. - Little deer into little... dragon?. "It's the teeth!" she said to me. 🤓☝
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Work only with the color brown. - This is a homage to an artist I met today. She paints beautiful large flowers.
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Collaboration Day! - Collaboration with my 1 year old godson.
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Carve into something (something = butter). One of today's conversation topics was: "Does your puppy resemble a sabre-tooth tiger?" (Answer: not really)
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Checkers (or chess?) - people were looking irritated, while I scratched these "signs" in the dirt. 👽😅
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Work with building blocks. - Smalltalk.
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Make a miniature golf hole. - Inventing children's games for children and adults.
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Work with cardboxes. - Summer is for sitting outside! ☀
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Recreate a famous artwork. - I started to say "hello" when people are staring at me. "Hello, is it me you looking...at?" 🎶😁
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Work with sand. A small child tried to sell me sand as chocolate on the playground today. - Nice try, kid!
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Make a business diagram. - Spoiler: Everyone was right, I put my jacket on and of every few minutes.
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Work with ice cubes. Unfortunatelly I read today's prompt an hour too late - I saw a house, where the owners installed an ice cube self service in their garden!
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Make a door where there is none. - "There is a roof out of branches and leaves!" they said. They were right.
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Inspired by hands. - Friendly faces!
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Inspired by a tin can. - This is Rollo who likes to find old dead fish and his owner who doesn't like that Rollo likes to find old dead fish.
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Something that seems from the future. - I listened to this timeless conversation, today.
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Something worth more than my pocket money: I got a REALLY big scoop, because I was the last customer of the day. 🎉🎉🎉
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Make something inspired by the history of a place. - A woman told me about the old salt trading connection between the cities of Lüneburg and Lübeck.
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If you could be anyone... - I would be this person.
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Inspired by spam mail. - "Quickly Fullfilled Garden Dreams" - someone grew a garden next to the street.
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Make a monument. This is a monument for my neighbor's dog - the dog is called Pluto and he doesn't look like the monument, but this is how most monuments work, right? 😬😅
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Work with balloons. Slight change: I made balloons with the tomatos I got from a farmer, today.
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Animals. - "Ew! Ants!"
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Work with a tooth brush. Today: inventing stories about monsters under the sea...
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Make something that makes a sound on it's own. - During my vacation, my friend hid my favorite snacks and drinks all over my appartment, so that I wouldn't have to starve on my first day at home. ❤
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Make something that looks as if it was turned inside out. ☀
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Use disposable plastic utensils. Blue is the color of the day - Blue Phoenix.
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Inspired by silence. 🏖
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Make an anagram with your name. - the name's Regina. 😇✌
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Inspired by a television show. - Question of the day (a friend's question, not my question, but still a good one).
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Do someone else's job. - Maybe I was a baker in a former life?
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A song for a pet.
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Make something outdoors look like it's indoors. - Words I heard today: "Yeah you know, I'm super professional in my job, but privatly I am just a girl who loves to sleep." 😍😁
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Squares! - "The Blue One". 💙
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Get salty aka sweaty. - It is hot out here.
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Make something portable into something that isn't. I watched people on boats today and waited for them to wave. 👋
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Write a letter to a fictional character. I read the name "Sisco" on a box on my brother's home... I imagened a cowboy who is named like this (I think in reality it is a factory for kitchen utensils or something like that?)
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Go to a place where you normally would not do something creative. - Bathroom face at a restaurant.
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Make something on glass. - A mininalistic portrait of this woman in the train today.
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Make something in reverse. - Coffee date planning...
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Work with silver. Today we said goodbye to our trainees. 🙋⛵
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The sense of touch. - Today: Problems (and art) with more dimensions (at least 3D 😌).
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Inspired by a date. On this day in 1912 the first edition of "Tarzan" by Edgar Rice Burroughs was published.
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Work with boxes from packaged food products. The dentist: "Please open your mouth." - Me: "Uh."
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Inspired by reptils. - This is an analogy. 😉

Inspired by reptils. - This is an analogy. 😉
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Transform a piece of advertising. - This was an easy one... 😎😂
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What can you do with sticky notes? - Stick to the things you know best!
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Inspired by the shape of plants. - Today I watched this heartwarming scene: two little girls waving goodbye until they couldn't see each other anymore. 😍
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Something you can only see from far away. - Optical illusions? 😇✌
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Abstractly rolling down the hill...
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Work with things from a hardwarestore. - "With one eye open."
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Work with a mirror. - "Look who's talking."
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Work with the color black. - Unexpected coffee date!
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Work with matches. I don't know - I thought this match should have wings...maybe because I talked about ease and easiness with a colleague today.
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Create a tattoo.
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Make something invisible visible. - Inner boundaries.
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Inspired by feet. - Another story of last week: inappropriate hiking shoes.
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Work with rubber bands. - Face of the day!
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Write a ten-word murder mystery. - What happened? 🕵
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Inspired by keys. - Feeling super romantic today... 💞
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Make instructions for something that normally wouldn't need them. - How to put your smartphone down. 😅
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Make alternate images for men's and women's bathroom doors. - Clearly there are two kinds of people. I discussed this recently. 🤓☝
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Work with music media. - CD case swimming pool! 🌊🏊
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Make something that wouldn't normally melt seem like it has. - Planning evening activities outside with friends when it is getting dark really early these days... 😌✌
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Make a wallpaper. - Sunday sports... 🏋
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Inspired by amphibians. - Question of the day. 🐸
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Invent an alternative alphabet. - Alphabet for botanists. HELLO! 🌿🌾🍀🌱
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Work with tissue. - "When a lot is crumpled-up and crumbeling down, I try to find some structure and order in the chaos and yes, crying helps, too."
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Finger painting! - The longing to retreat into one's shell...🐚
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Make a flower out of everyday things. - Collecting toilet paper rolls for a potential advent calender. One cannot start early enough. 😎✌
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Make a wheel chart. - Wheel my train be late? 🔮
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Make a unique trophy. - A coffee trophy awarded to the biggest coffee lover. ☕
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Work with barcodes. - Question of the day: Is a sleep-in a sensible form of protest against capitalism?
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Make a structure to protect a delicate object.
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First day of this October's Creative Sprint (Yeah! 🎉): Make something that fits in the palm of your hand. And Day 336 of my yearlong project called "365 People Project": "Censor something that shouldn't be censored".
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#Creativesprint Day 3 (Combine two things that don't normally go together) and Day 338 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (Make something that shows the passage of time).
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Day 4 of #creativesprint (Take a walk and make something wherever you end up) and Day 339 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (Make something that is only visible from one specific angle). Googly eyes for the win behind a wooden fence in my neighborhood!
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Day 5 of #Creativesprint (Create something to be worn on the head) and Day 340 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (work only with what's in your pocket today). A tiara for today.
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Day 6 of #Creativesprint (make something inedible look like it's food) and Day 341 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (Make a functioning mobile). Favorite food: Sushi rolls (out of toilet paper, matches, sponges and plastic bags)!
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Day 7 of #Creativesprint (spill something and make something out of the mess) and Day 242 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (create evidence of an event that didn't happen). - The horror! Not sneezing into your sleeve! 😱
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Day 8 of #Creativesprint (write something for 3 minutes without stopping) and Day 343 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (Make something boring seem exciting) - Aaaaaaaaah! 😱
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Day 9 of #Creativesprint (make a meme) and Day 344 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (use outer space as your inspiration today). - Comets and people have a lot of common.
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Day 10 of #Creativesprint (Break something) and Day 345 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (only work with the things that are already on the table 🙈) - luckily my parents are here for a visit and left a pill on the table. 😅
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Day 11 of #Creativesprint (Do something you've never tried before) and Day 346 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (Make a paper chain) - I never crafted Christmas decorations in October (that is usually what my mum does) and I tried a new technique.
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Day 12 of #Creativesprint (Finish the sentence: We the People...) and Day 347 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (Add a face to something that normally doesn't have one): "We the people might be happier when we focus on life's essentials".
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Day 13 of #Creativesprint (make something to honor an important teacher in your life) and Day 348 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (work with a disposable cup) - "A simple 'Thank you' is a gracious way to escape from a lot of situations." F. said.
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Day 15 of #Creativesprint (camouflage something) and Day 350 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (have someone else start something and than complete it) - circles and bottle top.
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Day 16 of #Creativesprint design a new monument) and Day 351 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (Add wings or furr to something) - "You remind me of a colorful giraffe" someone told me. So here's a monument in honor of weird compliments. 😄
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Day 17 of #Creativesprint (make a self portrait) and Day 352 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (work only with sweets today).
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Day 18 of #Creativesprint (invent a new holiday) and Day 353 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (take two things and find a way to make half of one and half of the other go together) - Happy Golden Hour Day! The day, when you get your good ideas just after waking up or before falling asleep!
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Day 19 of #Creativesprint (work only with materials you found in a bathroom) and Day 354 (-ish - I jumbled up the days 🙈) design a uniform for a job that doesn't normally have one) - I proudly present: the Universal 3-Minutes-Toothbrush-Soldier.
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Day 20 of #Creativesprint (repeating pattern) and Day 355 (-ish, because I still jumbled up the days 😅) of my yearlong "365 People Project" (work with the color gold) - my grandma collected buttons and I used a part of her collection to fantasize about golden rain...
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Day 21 of #Creativesprint (make something without using your hands) and Day 356 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (make a new cover for your favorite book) - ever typed on your smartphone with your elbow? It is slowing one down... 😬
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Day 22 of #Creativesprint (make something inside of a box) and Day 357 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (make something natural seem digital) - Blooming in a box. 🌷
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Day 23 of #Creativesprint (design a poster for a movie about your life) and Day 358 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (create the illusion that time has stopped) - story of my life.
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Day 24 of #Creativesprint (make a picture frame) and Day 359 of my "365 People Project" (make a city out of objects you have on hand). - combining arts and crafts with housework today...
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Day 25 of #Creativesprint (make a rainbow with things found inside or outside your house) and Day 360 of my "365 People Project" (inspired by an inner organ) - scarfs.
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Day 26 of #Creativesprint (follow the instructions in the wrong order) and Day 361 of my "365 People Project" (bleach something) - a few days ago I talked with friends about children's songs that STILL stuck as earworms...
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Creativesprint Day 27 (one day in the life of a snail) and Day 362 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (make a rainbow) - this might be this year's Christmas card?!
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Creativesprint Day 28 (find a new way to use a tool) and Day 363 of my "365 People Project" (extend an existing picture) - quirky bird disguise.
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Creativesprint Day 29 (Revision Day) and Day 364 of my yearlong "365 People Project" (create a new birthday song) - "Another circle around the sun: Another crazy year has just begun!"
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Creativesprint Day 30 (make a trophy for yourself) and Day 365 of 365 (yay!) for my yearlong "365 People Project" (make something loud). Today I finish my third year of doing little creative sprints everyday. I'll start another yearlong project the day after tomorrow - so stay tuned!
Bonus: Reflection Day

Reflection Day! 🎉 During this year and also this October's #Creativesprint, I enjoyed taking things easy and also sometimes taking the easy way out. Some days I had an idea which I couldn't relate to my theme "365 People" - I didn't care and realized it anyway and it felt good to not get stuck in the limitations of a theme.
All in all this year felt more carefree and lighter than my last yearlong project.
Let's see what the next year has in store!